Who wins a family ticket to Dyrepakren after putting collected rubbish in the container, and who managed to hang the longest in the Iron Grip (gift card for Sport 1)? On the stage at Torvet on Sunday evening, it was announced that Veronicka Ødegård Olsen won the litter competition and Emma Amalie won Iron Grip at Kaperuka this year.
read moreOn Friday 12 July at 11am, the mosaic of Shanti Koret, which Hans Buch-Iversen has made, will be unveiled. This takes place in Theis Lundegaards gate on Friday 12 July at 11. Farsund Shantykor will participate during the unveiling.
read moreVi oppfordrer alle til å gjøre noe bra for miljøet i dette flotte sommerværet vi har, og ikke nok med det – vær med å ha sjangs til å vinne en FAMILIEBILLETT til Kristiansand Dyrepark ( inntil 5 personer ) Hvorfor? Ja tja, du kan jo lese litt om Havmonsteret for eksempel 🙂 Du…
read moreAgnethe B. Salvesen and Havmonsteret at Farsund secondary school are winners of the Kaperprisen 2024
Agnethe B. Salvesen og Havmonsteret ved Farsund ungdomsskole er vinnere av Kaperprisen 2024 Sparebanken sør bidro i tillegg med en sjekk på hele kr: 5.000 til Havmonsteret. Her er begrunnelsen fra Kaperpriskomiteen: På bildet: Anne Karin Sunde fra Sparebanken sør, Agnethe B. Salvesen, Ordfører Ingrid Williamsen og medlem av Kaperpriskomiteen Jan Christian Hvistendahl Det handler om…
read moreJoin us back to the Middle Ages' most dramatic shipwreck outside Lista.
read moreThe schooner has previously been used for arms and drug smuggling to and from Lebanon and Morocco. Now Kaperuka will shine.
read moreAfter an extensive renovation, Backes Bu is ready to welcome the public during Kaperuka.
read moreThis weekend you get a unique opportunity to delve into the history of Norway's lost medieval treasures.
read more"There lived a strange gray one on the outermost, naked island." This is how the first verse of "Terje Vigen" goes. You will hear the rest on Wednesday evening.
read moreThe pearls of coastal culture are on the program when writer Jo van der Eynden and film producer Jan-Robert Jore invite you to a picnic and film screening at Backes Bu under Kaperuka.
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