Will showcase the city's proud wooden boat tradition
This year too, there will be a carpentry race under Kaperuka. The goal is not just to win the fastest boat.
- Farsund has exceptionally many beautiful woodcarvers. A main reason for this is that we have had a boat house for so many years. But there is also a great interest in restoring and preserving these boats, says Rolf Arnt Sandnes in Farsund Motorbåtforening (FMF) - which organizes the carpentry race.
There will be competition in two classes – petrol and diesel. There will also be a prize for the nicest boat.
- MANY THINK it's great to decorate with flags and flowers. Others dress up. We want to have a good time and create a good atmosphere, says Sandnes.
The carpentry race has long traditions in Farsund. But exactly how many years FMF has organized the popular regatta, Sandnes does not have a complete overview of.
THE STARTING SHOT for this year's race it starts at 4pm on Saturday 15 July. Registration takes place in the FMF secretariat at Torvet one hour before.
- The number of participants varies from year to year. The nicer the weather, the more boats usually line up for the start, says Sandnes.
IN RECENT YEARS two skippers in particular have fought to get to the finish line first.
- There has been a close duel between Ole Gunnar Selvaag and Petter Andrup. Then we'll see who wins this year, says Sandnes, who hopes for a good audience turnout this year as well.
Text: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Communications